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Monday, November 25, 2019

A Slight Change In Direction and Attitude

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Have you watched those Olympic races where the difference between first and second place is a mere fraction of a second? That slight difference is everything.  Similarly, the difference between average and unique is small, as small as a variation in attitude. We all use the same creative intelligence, and how we use it produces a slight distinction between great and average.

It doesn’t matter if we are fast thinkers, or slow thinkers, extroverted or introverted, it seems.  What matters is that we let our thinking land solidly on what we desire for life. Add conviction and the warmth of emotion to our thinking, and the direction we choose for our lives begins to take form.

We have a choice. We have the ability, and right, to take charge of our inner lives.  We can mindfully, and repeatedly dwell upon a vision of something larger, more expressive, and more beautiful than what we experience now.

The Science of Mind teaching challenges the idea that we are controlled only by forces outside of us and encourages us to take into account that we can direct our thinking, adopt new attitudes, and visualize a greater-yet-to-be. Imagine if we no longer accepted the idea that time, age, gender, social status, and forces beyond our control determined our attitude towards life.  

What would it be like if you took time daily to so thoroughly immerse yourself in an image of a good for your life, a good for your family and loved ones, a good for your nation, that it felt as natural to you to accept that image as it is for others to accept the idea that they are trapped and stuck by the way things are.

Inspired by the writings of Dr. Robert H. Bitzer


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